Medical Negligence Cause Of Disability
Often people who have a disability are not necessary born with it, a disability can happen to anyone at any time if they have a misfortunate accidents. Every disability is different no two disabilities are the same just as no two people are the same. Therefore it is clear that each and every individual will deal with their disability differently. Very often people who are disabled prefer to be known as a person with a disability rather than the disability label them which is more than fair as they are a person first and no one deserves to be labelled as anything else.
A disability, which is such a broad term and is actually an umbrella term that is given to those who suffer with a variety of impairments, participation limitations and restrictions on activities can have a huge impact on the suffers life. Disabilities are due to an individual suffering from an emotional, developmental, cognitive and mental impairment, it can even be a combination of one or more depending on the actual disability.
An impairment means that a part of the body is unable to function normally or the written structure of the body has parts that are not as they should be. A disabled person can be limited when it comes to certain activities has they may not have the capabilities to take part as some activities are not always constructed with disabled people in mind and there are activities that even when taking people with disability into consideration cannot be changed. Many years back people with a disability would have encountered many restrictions or limitation but thinking has changed so that a lot of what can be done by a person who does not have a disability can be done by a person with a disability so that equality is at the forefront of each and everyone’s mind.
Medical Negligence and Disability
A disability can occur during a person life and sadly it can sometimes be the result of an accident that could have been avoided. Accidents that happen in the health industry can lead to patients having a disability as a result of poor standard of service. If a person thinks that they have been a victim of medical negligence then they can make a No Win No Fee Claim by contacting a law firm such as Medical Negligence Assist that specialises in clinical & medical negligence claims cases as they will be able to advise you if you have a possible claim for compensation.
Medical negligence is the act or omission of a health care worker who has provided a service or treatment that has been of a poor standard and in turn has lead to the patient being injured who would have not sustained such an injury if the negligent act would not have took place. If a person sustains a disability through an act of medical negligence depending on the severity of the disability they may suffer life changing injuries that may need round the clock care and funding that adds up far beyond the means of any person. Claiming using a No Win No Fee claim lawyer can help to put a case forward for compensation so that things can be put in place to make life more comfortable, if a person suffers a life long illness due to medical negligence no one can actually make their life as it was before but compensation may help a little.
Types of No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Disability Claims
Cerebral Palsy – this is an umbrella term that is concerned with various neurological conditions that affect an individual’s movement and coordination. Neurological conditions are present if there is a problem with the nervous system or the brain. Cerebral Palsy is a non progressive disorder that causes mobility problems as damage has been caused to the motor control centers. This type of disability can happen during the birthing process of having a baby can be due to the baby becoming distressed and the brain losing oxygen. Sometimes if the breathing problems of the unborn baby are not picked up quick enough by the medical staff it can have devastating consequences on the unborn baby has the brain maybe staved of oxygen causing the baby when delivered to suffer with cerebral palsy, if this happens it maybe considered medical negligence has delayed action have lead to this.
Anaesthetic problems-people can suffer problems with anaesthetic in the event of having an operation that is why medical staffs have to be fully aware of the patients medical past. If a person is not fully explained the problems they may face and if they have an reaction to the anaesthetic or if the medics do not properly read the medical notes properly which state the patient may have a reaction and therefore do not take this into consideration and the person suffers a reaction which very easily can leave them in a disabled state afterwards as the brain maybe staved of oxygen then medical negligence has occurred.
Missed diagnosed bone fracture – there have been many cases where people have believed themselves to have broken a bone gone to hospital to be told that it is a mere sprain. However once they find that the pain of this sprain is not subsiding but getting worse causing restricted mobility they are forced back to the hospital where often the diagnostic tests are re-examined only to prove there was a break in the bone after all and an operation is needed. In rare occasional though the damage has already been done and in some cases the damage is non-repairable causing the patient to suffer from a physical disability.
In all of the above cases a claim can be made for compensation has the disability that the patient has been left with has in no respect been their own fault and due to the fault of certain mistakes they maybe left with conditions that have ruined any chance of them leading a normal life. By instructing a solicitor through a No Win No Fee Claim they can explain on the best possible action and the best way to move forward. There have recently been reforms to No Win No Fee Claims which can be viewed using .Gov. Suffering irreversible brain damage can have ultimately the most severe consequences on a person’s life and such aftercare can only be afforded through claiming compensation.